The easiest way to deal with the unthinkable is to refuse to believe it. Maybe this is why a rampant hypocrisy exisits, a hyporcirsy that is causing unecessary sufferring. It's plain to see, even to those with the most blinkered loyalty, that the elected figure heads and unelected tyrants of this world are self-serving and beyond trust. Corruption is visable in every form of goverment, yet we are willing to assume that when it comes to international conflict, things will be differn't. Why? Does this happen because we identify so strongly with our nations that sub consciously, we see political insitutions as part of who we are? The desire to believe you are a good person is imensley powerful, those revered as the most evil people of all time never see themselves that way, they will have convinced themselves morality is on their side. The madman, hellbent of evil for evils sake only exisits in the myth's of movies, novels and computer gamses, thankfully. Perhaps thenit follows that, when it comes international affairs, we so want to believe the political institutions that represent us are well intended that we have no interest in evidence to the contrary. Just as we are susceptible to excusing our own wrong doing, we will likewise ignore the wrong doing of the countries we identify with. This could explain why in the relative peace between times of panic, a blind eye is turned to the nefarious activities that lead to tragic events. The means of murder are spread with reckless abandon or specific intent, depending on who you believe. Maybe this is why we care little what those we pay to run our national affairs do in other parts of the world. Perhaps this is why for politicians, taking the stage to read a scripted speech condemning the inevitable outcome of these activities is an all too frequent break from doing everything they can to profit from them. Our ignorance and apathy turns into extensive interest and rage at the very suggestion we might suffer from the same crimes our politicans have carried out elsewhere. The indiscretions that have led to any given conflict are all but ignored once the media machine grinds into action on behalf of it's sponsors. They tell us what we want to hear "We are good, they are bad" and because we want to hear it, we have no desire to question it. The blame will always be on the groups we don't associate with, then our worst fears are used against us. We are manipulated into thinking something that has a near impossible probability of ever happening to us is a very real threat. Fear is the source of all aggression. Fear is created in us so that we will tolerate acts of violence and political conquest that we would never normally support. They create an enemy, demonise them, dehumanise them and then exaggerate the threat they pose until the level of fear in the populace desensitises large swathes of it to the atrocities that will follow in their name. "Necessary evils" will emerge when it comes to policing far away lands, evils we would never tolerate at home. If a terroist threat turned up in your street, would you want air strikes while you sleep at night? If your child was forced to fight for the tyrant who ruled your country, would you want the biggest miltary on earth to shock and awe him into "freedom"? History and reason are often the first casualties of conflict. The only solution we are offered is to do more of the things that have caused the problem. Mainstream debate is managed into narrow options of violence or nothing but there are, as there has always been, those who speak out. The truth they illuminate is darkened by cordinated misdirection yet their voice grows ever louder, ever stronger and It has succeeded at impeding the crimes of terroists in recent times. They know there is no moral high ground to be occupied by the hypocrite and they are sick of people they love endangering their lives fighting for the same politicians that armed their enemies. Despite the alleged bliss of ignorance, there is within us all at least a small yearning for the truth, if not a raging curiosity that needs to be satisfied. To fulfil it you must recognise that where you come from is not who you are. You are much more than that. You can handle the truth. You can make a difference. The reality for anyone that chooses to seek it, is that the violence the world suffers is being instigated by the same people who claim they want to save us from it. No group of people can become a threat to the world without support from one of the established powers. Ending our acceptance of hypocrisy is the first step we need to take towards ending terror. |
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