This two part programme will rapidly improve core strength and overall flexibility. Expect noticeable improvements in just a few weeks, from only 10-15 minutes a session. It’s the ideal conditioning programme to compliment weekly yoga classes and will accelerate your progress, making more challenging postures achievable, your classes more enjoyable and most importantly, your body stronger and healthier.
CORE STRENGTH This strength section takes ten minutes or less and is done 3- 5 times a week. There are five levels to progress through. We focus on:
FLEXIBILITY This section will take less than 5 minutes to start with but increase to 10 or more as your flexibility improves.. Each day we focus on a different section of the body and do 2-3 relaxing poses with a special breathing technique that will more quickly release muscular tension. OPTIONS The two elements compliment each other but you could do just one of them. They can be done one after the other or split between morning and evening. Doing the strength exercises in the morning or when you get home from work, and the flexibility poses just before bedtime is a great way to do it, but the best schedule is always the one you can most easily stick to, so work it around your lifestyle. Weekends might feel like the obvious rest days but the day of your yoga class and the next day is my recommendation. FEE It’s £30 for the level 1 core strength routine and the 5 flexibility sequences. Once you can do 20 repetitions of each exercise of the strength routine you can add the next level for £15. WHY THIS PROGRAMME WORKS Medical professionals and the fitness industry have noticed there are common areas of weakness, and areas of decreased flexibility in the majority of the population, this is mainly a result of poor posture developed from excessive sitting. Excessive sitting is practically unavoidable and it starts at an early age, as soon as we are at school, we are spending hours a day in an unnatural position for the body. The body adapts to whatever we do, some muscles get stronger and eventually tighter form being used much more than others, which get weaker and in some cases over stretched. Eventually parts of the body get misaligned and frequently this leads to injury. Persistent problems with the back, hamstrings, shoulders, neck and knees are often an outcome of the time we spend perched in chairs. When teaching yoga classes I see these imbalances in almost everyone to some degree. The poses that most people find hardest are ones that require strength or flexibility in the places that get weak or tight from excessive sitting. These programmes overcome the imbalances. It’s perfect for those who have a weekly yoga practice, especially beginners or those who feel particularly weak or inflexible. You will move deeper into the poses and they will feel easier. In a few months you could progress the same as you would in a year with just a weekly class. The same benefits are there for people who don’t do yoga, they actually probably have the most to gain. Having balanced strength and flexibility benefits everything we do, walking, running, lifting even sleeping. So you could do these programmes to support or prepare you for any other form of exercise, from Golf to Combat Sports. Key things to recap…